Sent (UTC) 28-Oct-2024, 02:16
Subject REMINDER - 29/10 - BCCT DTG TechTalk Webinar - Tech Horror Stories

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BCCT DTG TechTalk Webinar – Tech Horror Stories

Get ready for BCCT's latest tech deep dive! The BCCT Digital Technology Group is excited to invite you to our latest free TechTalk, scheduled for Tuesday 29th October, from 12noon to 1pm. We will be discussing a few different horrific scenarios, whether by accident or by malicious compliance, taking place live on Zoom.

In this upcoming session, we'll be exploring:

  • Locked out users from actual working
  • Wiped Devices. 
  • When Backups Fail 
  • Broadcast Storms on the network.

This month, one of our cyber experts Alex Hayden-Gilbert, COO of Silk Legal Co., Ltd. will be presenting, together with our esteemed in-house panel comprising Gareth DaviesBob GallagherAndrew Kamthong, and Jan Jones.

Just click this booking link HERE or email

 The Zoom link will be sent to you directly one day before the event date.

*Non-members thinking of joining BCCT who wish to attend this event are very welcome and should email –