BCCT Monthly TechTalk – HR Tech

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Date & Time: Wed 09-Aug-2023 12:00  
Location: via Zoom
Duration: 1 hour
Member Cost: THB 0.00
Non-member Cost: THB 0.00

Get ready for an electrifying tech rendezvous! BCCT Digital Technology Group presents our 2nd TechTalk on August 9th at 12pm until 1pm - an enlightening journey into the world of cutting-edge technology, happening live on Zoom.

 In this TechTalk, we’re going to discuss the world of HR and Technology and cover topics such as: 

  • The Evolution of HR Technology
  • What HR Technologies exist today
  • Data Analytics and Predictive Models in HR Decisions
  • Future Trends in HR Technology

Ever felt lost in the tech maze? Fear not! Our free monthly Online Technology Clinic is here to serve as your lighthouse.  

You can pitch your most daunting tech problems and questions, and they'll be answered by some of the brightest brains in the field.  


This month, we’re inviting Tareef Jafferi, HR Tech Expert, and Founder at Happily.ai, alongside our expert in-house panel - Gareth Davies, Bob Gallagher, Andrew Kamthong, Max Schmitt, Sao Hamilton, and David McGeown - will be your tech wizards for the day.  

Got a question? You can pre-submit it via this form: https://bcct.tech/techtalks, drop us an email, or launch it live during the webinar via chat or Slido.  

So, wherever you are, grab a coffee, relax in your comfy chair and join us by follow normal online booking link. A zoom link will be sent to your email one day before the event date

Don't miss this chance to decode the tech enigma with BCCT TechTalks.  

Come, let's talk tech!

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